Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DISCObolus of Myron

Classical art is one of my favourite art styles. Why? Besides from pottery, it emphasizes human figures wherein it looks like a real person being covered in marble. We all know that, we, humans are the most precious artworks here in the world. Our body is so complex that a slight change in our movements can change everything. There are other things that could be used as our subject matter but why our own body? For me, it will question you one thing. Which one do you use more, your left hemisphere or your right hemisphere? Our body has a lot of details to be considered mostly if a person has a muscular body where a lot of bumps would be seen. Our brain tends to calculate how wide an arc would be or the measurement of one eye to the other. It interests me more when it's more complicated. People are different from each other. They might not be that interested to the human figure. An example of famous sculptures with a human figure as a subject matter is the Discobolus of Myron from the classical era.

The first time I saw the Discobolus of Myron, I was attracted to it like I want to do my own sculpture inspired by that. It was very detailed if I'm to be asked. Why? Because the artist was able to portray what a real athlete looks like during a game. The muscles were well toned. It was the first thing that I noticed. The muscular body are well proportioned to a real body of an athlete. The face also is idealistic since it seemed to be real. One thing that amazed me to much was the veins running through the muscles of the sculpture. As a whole, it's perfect for me. Although studies about art during that time were not even that common, they managed to create a human-like sculpture. It made me appreciate it more by the instruments or tools used. Even though they were not that futuristic like what people now use to sculpt things, the managed to make their own tools.

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