Monday, January 25, 2016

Papa sa Basilica

          Christian period is a period where Godliness was used as the subject matter for art. Churches with sculptures of bible figures from the Old Testament to the New Testament were abundant during this period. They all fascinate me since I was once a knight of the altar who serves for God. I used to use also bible figures as my subject matter during those days since I was so intact to God. The Churches were so detailed that it would actually make you look for too long just to satisfy your eye with those designs. If I would be given a chance to visit one church during the Christian period, it would be the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, Italy. I have an aunt in France and she once visited the St. Peter's Basilica. She told me many wonderful things about it and it really made an impact on me. I became more connected to my duty as a knight of the altar. Years passed and it's still in me wondering how much more beauty would it look like if I see it personally. Entering doors with intricate designs from the lower part to the upper part of the door would be a memorable experience. Looking at the paintings of different bible figures on the ceiling.

          Sculpture was once my dream life goal since I find it amusing and challenging. I want to have my own sculpture and this period also fascinated me and gave me an idea of doing my own sculpture in the near future. Their works were very detailed. From the wave of the hair to the facial expression of each sculpture to the folds of the clothes worn are very exact. They are more to realistic style because they want to show how each one from the bible figures looks like during their times. These sculptures can be seen also in St. Peter's Basilica. They were all been crafted carefully and with devotion to art and to God that's why they were able to create these magnificent sculptures. Paintings were also noticed during the Christian period. Their subject matters are mostly about God during that time. Wall paintings are also famous especially inside the churches. Different paintings depicting different occasions are seen here. All of them are magnificent and should be well preserved for the other generation to see the beauty of the remaining of Christian Period.

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