Tuesday, February 9, 2016


     Renaissance – it is a period where rebirth of art occurred.  It is the time where greater artists were exposed and were applauded by many. Architectural structures that popularized and being talked about up until now. Different painting that would challenge each person's understanding and point of view. Several issues about apprentices and their masters because of their artworks emerged. One of the periods that should be thanked because it happened. Realism style and idealism style are both prominent during this time. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael are some of those who made a huge impact during this period. Their artworks were criticized by many including the church. Paintings like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper were used to obtain new ideas which were used by other artists. Nude paintings were also abundant and an example of it is the Creation. Although there are many variations of each painting, we still should accept each one since we're all different and unique from each other.

     If I'm the one to be asked about my favourite artwork during their time, I'd probably choose David. Why? It is because of its realistic figure. The way it was made was so intricate that even the veins were all included. Although there are still other artworks like for example the Pieta, It appeals to me more. I also like the Pieta because for me, it shows something religious due to the content of the sculpture. It is a figure of a young Mary with a crucified Jesus on her hands while they both lay on the ground. Paintings also catch my attention. Nude painting is one of my most favourite styles of painting. According to artists before up until now, human figures are the most wonderful subject of art although there are many to mention. The way the body is painted gives me this spark that I should try it myself and do my own composition. Renaissance really gave a big contribution to the world of art. What might have happened if this period didn't existed during its time?

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