Wednesday, September 23, 2015


    Anime- My childhood inspiration since the day I first draw my first figure on a sheet of paper my mom used to give me to solve my simple math equations. Also the reason why I was able to pass my exams from my pre-elementary to high school tests. I always idolized my older cousins because during those days, I'm just a kid with no idea how I will draw things like that. I'll be telling the adventure of my Multimedia Art career from the very beginning up to the present. It all started with a simple crumpled paper, a dull-end pencil and a little crazy world I would like to call as "imagination". I used to doodle up things with colouring materials every time I have colours on my hands and my would always shout at me because of my dirty hands and dirty wall. During those times, I was able to widen my imagination skill and continued to develop it. As I grow up, my drawing skills also improved. When I was still a pre-elementary student in our school, I used to do simple animations on a bundle of paper bonded together with stick figures which is also known as cel animation. My teachers always get angry at me because instead of listening to their lessons, I was there sitting on the back and drawing things in my mind. When I reached elementary, I started to compete inside the school every time our school conducts a poster making contest and even though I can't get any medal from that said event, I never quitted and joins yearly. My first out of school competition was very memorable because I was the one to present our school in mural painting in Pagsanjan, Laguna and luckily I won 3rd place and that became my motivation to continue what I started with art.

        When I reached high school, my name became popular when art is being talked about. That was the moment wherein I joined every poster making contest inside and outside of the school. I was able to meet my co-artists from different places and was able made new friends. My most memorable experience was my editorial cartooning when I was a 4th year high school student because I have no any about cartooning. They taught me every essential thing a cartoonist must know and undergo different seminars.  I was able to compete for the district and division level wherein I won 3rd and 4th place and a qualifier for the regional level but sadly I was not able to participate due to school issues. I become the chief editorial cartoonist of our school paper and it was a huge success for me. I almost took a different course because I passed the MAAP entrance exam but still, I followed what I wanted myself to be 4 years from now and my parents were able to understand me and accepted my decision. Now, I'm one of those Multimedia artists that were able to have their course of their choice. I am able to practice and enhance my drawing skills from freehand drawing to digital with the use of different drawing software. I am able to widen my knowledge and experience with photography with my position as a photojourn in Voyage, our school press. Now, I am also able to edit videos with video editing software that are used by people with video editing background. Most of all, I'm enjoying my study more because this will lead me to my success in the future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


We once had an assignment which will rotate around sound. We were all assigned to make a mash up of songs by our Communication and Technology professor, Miss A. Since I once had a band in our school during my high school years, I was a bit confident about doing it. After our class, I went home and during my travel, I analyse how my mash up should sound. I included some factors to consider for me to have the right mash up. I first choose the right beat and I came up to a final decision to have an upbeat pop rock music influenced by my background about music. After choosing for the right beat, I tried to reflect things about me until I relate the theme to how I should live my life. After that, I browse through my playlist and luckily I was able to find the right songs with the right beats. I chose "Somewhere in Neverland" of All Time Low wherein it talks about our career days where we will be experiencing nostalgia as time goes by and as we old. The other one is "Great Escape" of Boys like girls where it focuses on how we should live our lives to the fullest and being free from everything. They both suit me well including the fact that I'm from a band so I said to myself that it will be easier for me to mash up things up. Have I ever tried to mash up songs? The answer is no though I was able to use softwares like VirtualDJ v8 and Audacity and here is where everything will change around my music life.

| watched videos on YouTube first and hoping to find some helpful tutorials that can lessen my stress with the sound editing. Sadly, I was not able to find one so I did things myself by exploring the full capacity of the softwares although I think I was able to use only a minimal percentage of the over-all use of the softwares. I clipped certain parts of the songs which I used for the mash up. I also did some amplification for the parts wherein it is almost inaudible. I thought it was easy but while doing things up, it started to be more complicated because of technical problems. Good thing for me is that I know some things that I should remember like for example; the fade-in and fade-out of song and how to put them to a part of a song. While doing the editing things, I told to myself that exploring things is a wonderful experience especially to my course and because of that; I exerted more effort for my output. Although it is only an assignment, I still considered it as a weekly project and looked to it as a mission that I must complete cleanly to obtain more ideas. I finalize things up before extracting it and passing it. I'm impressed of what I've done and I'm proud of it since I was the one exerting effort for that. The day of the presentation came and I was so nervous that I accidentally raised my hand and be the first one to present. I was able to present it properly but the most memorable happening is when my professor nodded at me and smiled which means that she is impressed of the mash up that I did.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Have you ever tried to go to a place you don't know for the very first time without anyone to accompany you? Experiencing new things on your own without limitation and boundaries? Have you ever felt things like this that gives you energy to explore the wilderness of the world? It's very exciting to think and imagine things that's out of your league and extraordinary. Different dishes from different places, different tourist spots or just a famous place to hang out to. Different custom and tradition to be experienced by our exquisite minds that will leave a very memorable experience. I once experienced things like this in my life wherein I visited the place where my mom used to go when she was still a teenager. She first told me things before the restoration of different places she used to visit after class. She told me a place in San Pablo, Laguna where my great grandfather used to bring her whenever she wanted to inhale fresh air. Sampaloc Lake, a place so beautiful and refreshing to those who wanted to be in a peaceful place. You can see living fishes that swims around the bridges there where you can feed them with breadcrumbs. But everything change now because of economic development and the technological growth of the society.

It's my very first time to go there on my own with my close friend. I was scared first since I don't know how to go there on my own with just a phone call from my friend to guide me. She just instructed me things I need to know for me to reach her and the place safely. Along the way, I saw different tech-things played by many younger kids than me. Unlike the old days, me and my brother play local games like the ‘luksong baka’ and ‘taya-tayaan’. During my stay there, I was able to talk to citizens living in that place for so long that they even managed to witness the bit by bit transformation of the place. While capturing scenes there with my camera, I was able to see the beauty of the place. Imagining the view of the place during the days is very nostalgic for me. A very memorable experience that I won't forget for the rest of my life. Visiting the place for the first time when I was still 5 and seeing the place again now that I'm 17 made a difference to what I saw before and now. It's still nice to roam around it and remembering everything with some pictures especially when you have someone to walk with. That day is considered awesome for a wonderful day even though the travelling part is a little bit epic due to heavy traffic.

Thursday, September 3, 2015



          Having so many things in mind that you can't express yourself the way you want others to see it? It's a problem most of teenagers experience nowadays because of lacking of communication to people they know and people they love. Because of so many things are happening that they can't deal with it properly, they tend to feel more stressful than teenagers during the earlier years. Older people always tell that sharing what's inside can lessen your problems but few still can't. They are afraid. They are afraid to hear other's side because they don't want to be judged by many. Because of that, they tend to hate the world. They are hating even the people around them who are just concern for their own good. Due to technological advancement, they tend to be more adult in thinking than most of the adults now. It is also a factor to consider for them to start hating almost everyone. Studies can also affect a person's own emotion because of things he learns from his or her studies. It is harder for the side of those who are affected with that kind of attitude since they can't predict a person's attitude on a day-to-day basis. I, myself, am one of those who’s emotion can't be considered normal especially when it's about showing it to others who are close to me.

          An experience of mine might teach you a lesson about what I had said earlier. My friends knows me as a boy who shows up a big smile as a front act but hides an abnormal emotional status that no one can even understand. Even I can't understand myself. I am often seen by others alone with my phone and laptop doing things I love. I rather express myself through music than being in other's company since they see me as a weird person. There was an event in my life wherein my personality changed my friend's approach to me. I was numb during that time and it's like I'm emotionless and alone. She yelled at me and asked me what's wrong with me. I was there just staring at her and answers none then left her crying. After a day, I was informed that she went to the hospital because she experienced asthma after what I did there. I then tried to understand the situation and approached her for a talk. I apologized for my personality and told her that if she can't deal with me anymore, just leave and forget all about me. I can't change myself for others to accept me, I just try my best to deal with them the way I can.