Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Have you ever tried to go to a place you don't know for the very first time without anyone to accompany you? Experiencing new things on your own without limitation and boundaries? Have you ever felt things like this that gives you energy to explore the wilderness of the world? It's very exciting to think and imagine things that's out of your league and extraordinary. Different dishes from different places, different tourist spots or just a famous place to hang out to. Different custom and tradition to be experienced by our exquisite minds that will leave a very memorable experience. I once experienced things like this in my life wherein I visited the place where my mom used to go when she was still a teenager. She first told me things before the restoration of different places she used to visit after class. She told me a place in San Pablo, Laguna where my great grandfather used to bring her whenever she wanted to inhale fresh air. Sampaloc Lake, a place so beautiful and refreshing to those who wanted to be in a peaceful place. You can see living fishes that swims around the bridges there where you can feed them with breadcrumbs. But everything change now because of economic development and the technological growth of the society.

It's my very first time to go there on my own with my close friend. I was scared first since I don't know how to go there on my own with just a phone call from my friend to guide me. She just instructed me things I need to know for me to reach her and the place safely. Along the way, I saw different tech-things played by many younger kids than me. Unlike the old days, me and my brother play local games like the ‘luksong baka’ and ‘taya-tayaan’. During my stay there, I was able to talk to citizens living in that place for so long that they even managed to witness the bit by bit transformation of the place. While capturing scenes there with my camera, I was able to see the beauty of the place. Imagining the view of the place during the days is very nostalgic for me. A very memorable experience that I won't forget for the rest of my life. Visiting the place for the first time when I was still 5 and seeing the place again now that I'm 17 made a difference to what I saw before and now. It's still nice to roam around it and remembering everything with some pictures especially when you have someone to walk with. That day is considered awesome for a wonderful day even though the travelling part is a little bit epic due to heavy traffic.

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