Thursday, September 3, 2015



          Having so many things in mind that you can't express yourself the way you want others to see it? It's a problem most of teenagers experience nowadays because of lacking of communication to people they know and people they love. Because of so many things are happening that they can't deal with it properly, they tend to feel more stressful than teenagers during the earlier years. Older people always tell that sharing what's inside can lessen your problems but few still can't. They are afraid. They are afraid to hear other's side because they don't want to be judged by many. Because of that, they tend to hate the world. They are hating even the people around them who are just concern for their own good. Due to technological advancement, they tend to be more adult in thinking than most of the adults now. It is also a factor to consider for them to start hating almost everyone. Studies can also affect a person's own emotion because of things he learns from his or her studies. It is harder for the side of those who are affected with that kind of attitude since they can't predict a person's attitude on a day-to-day basis. I, myself, am one of those who’s emotion can't be considered normal especially when it's about showing it to others who are close to me.

          An experience of mine might teach you a lesson about what I had said earlier. My friends knows me as a boy who shows up a big smile as a front act but hides an abnormal emotional status that no one can even understand. Even I can't understand myself. I am often seen by others alone with my phone and laptop doing things I love. I rather express myself through music than being in other's company since they see me as a weird person. There was an event in my life wherein my personality changed my friend's approach to me. I was numb during that time and it's like I'm emotionless and alone. She yelled at me and asked me what's wrong with me. I was there just staring at her and answers none then left her crying. After a day, I was informed that she went to the hospital because she experienced asthma after what I did there. I then tried to understand the situation and approached her for a talk. I apologized for my personality and told her that if she can't deal with me anymore, just leave and forget all about me. I can't change myself for others to accept me, I just try my best to deal with them the way I can.

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