Thursday, March 17, 2016


Jackson Pollock

Roy Linchtenstein

People's perspectives towards art are different from each other. There are people who accept and appreciate what they see and the style used in the artwork itself. Some of them are even questioning themselves how was it even done by an artist. Some might even research articles about that certain artwork to know the meaning more. There are also people who don't even care. They would rather pass by than to appreciate art even just for a few moments of their lives. Even if there are different types of people, one thing is a fact and that is artist express themselves through their artworks. It's a fact that every each one of us must respect. Why? Because they deserve it and so does the others including you. During our discussion about contemporary art, there are these certain people whom influenced me with my art style. They are Jackson Pollock and Roy Linchtenstein. They both have their own style how they deliver their feelings with the use of art.

When I was still a kid, I used to do drawing scribbles on our walls that's why my parents regularly scolding at me. As time goes by, I started doing my regular scribble art  but with a defined figure. Mostly, animals and humans are my subject. After a few years, abstract expressionism was introduced to me during my high school years. I have no idea how I come up to liking those kinds of art style. Up until now, I'm still using my scribble style especially with my fast sketches where I can deliver certain emotions to my audience. When I was still a kid, I was a big fan of comic books where heroes rise and enemies fall. Up until now, I collect magazines and comics about heroes. My favorite character during those times was wolverine and Spiderman. I usually watch TV programs where wolverine and Spiderman exist. Now that I'm a MMA student, I'd rather make them my models than DC heroes. Linchtenstein's style is similar to comic books style where it's a bit cartoonish which caught my attention from the very beginning I daw his works.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

ala 20th

          20th century art is one of my most favourite eras besides from modern art and renaissance art. There are a lot of people to applause during this period. They were all great with their own unique style of painting. Many movements were organized against the rules of art. Their works will really leave an impression to you once you see it. Most of their works are more to abstact. They were able to deliver it to the viewers excitingly. Some of the people who influenced me largely were Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock. There works, in my own impression, have deeper meaning. Today's generation is very advance. Digital art is one of the most famous style of artwork today. I once tried doing my own creation.

          Andy Warhol's "Marilyn" artworks are my favourite. Different color scheme were used which attracts me the most. I tried imitating it in photoshop. At first I was having some problems regarding my color scheme. I tried and experimented with different color palettes until I was able to achieve an Andy Warhol style. It was very challenging and tricky. I also tried doing a Jackson Pollock style. Mostly, I do this with my galaxy themed works. The splattered paints often carches my attention. I went to an art exhibit once in SM Megamall and saw some abstract painting. The Artist's works have an abstact background mostly which fascinates me. These are the type of artworks which I highly appreciate.


Modern art - the period were I was highly influenced by different artists. Mostly for normal people, they would define modern art as an art full of futuristic ideas. Well, they are correct about that. A period where things were done differently according to the artist's will. The will to do something different from the others. The will to break basic and important rules in art. A period where artists express themselves through their own unique style. There are a lot of styles during this period. From pointilism to impressionism and even futurism. Each and every stroke of the brush were executed mostly accordingly and some are not. Van Gogh is one of my idols when it comes to impressionism. The other one is Pablo Picasso for cubism.

Both were great and influenced me differently. While seeing their works, I first tried to conceptualize my own Picasso style and as time goes by, it went well. I did some quick sketch of cubism during my vacant period. Because I want to explore more, I tried other styles too. Van Gogh's style was the next one. His works are similar to my oil pastel works during my high school days. I used to do things uniquely during that period of my life. I tried several times to have myself my own design with a Van Gogh style but something was not right. I can't do it even if I study it well. During that moment, I felt something changed and trying to rethink my thought until I finally come up to making another design. I was happy with the result. They really affected my life a lot