Saturday, March 5, 2016


Modern art - the period were I was highly influenced by different artists. Mostly for normal people, they would define modern art as an art full of futuristic ideas. Well, they are correct about that. A period where things were done differently according to the artist's will. The will to do something different from the others. The will to break basic and important rules in art. A period where artists express themselves through their own unique style. There are a lot of styles during this period. From pointilism to impressionism and even futurism. Each and every stroke of the brush were executed mostly accordingly and some are not. Van Gogh is one of my idols when it comes to impressionism. The other one is Pablo Picasso for cubism.

Both were great and influenced me differently. While seeing their works, I first tried to conceptualize my own Picasso style and as time goes by, it went well. I did some quick sketch of cubism during my vacant period. Because I want to explore more, I tried other styles too. Van Gogh's style was the next one. His works are similar to my oil pastel works during my high school days. I used to do things uniquely during that period of my life. I tried several times to have myself my own design with a Van Gogh style but something was not right. I can't do it even if I study it well. During that moment, I felt something changed and trying to rethink my thought until I finally come up to making another design. I was happy with the result. They really affected my life a lot

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