Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Have you ever hoped to go back to time wherein you can experience again the feeling of important events for you? I always think about this kind of things in my life. Impossible things that obviously can't happen in real life. Just to feel the nostalgia, I often take pictures. In this way I can have a remembrance of my past that means a lot to me. I really love taking pictures of things I find interesting and worth it to be a part of my memories. It helps me to recall things that I almost forgot because of a long period of time. Since I was a kid, I take pictures of different events of my life.  Foods, Activities, Places, and people I met along the way. This type of activity is usual since the earlier years because they also took pictures of memorable events before you and I were born in this world. I often take pictures with my friends and my love ones because for me, that picture will remind me that I had a good memory with that person. One of my favorite subject to take a picture are foods. 
Since our family loves to travel to different places when me and my little brother we're still kids, I often borrow a   camera from my mom or my dad just to take pictures. They always make different alibis just for me to stop borrowing because I always take many pictures that will be the cause for their phones to slow down. Now that I've grown up, I took the course wherein I can develop my photography skills. I was able to discover things I didn't know back then. Because of technology, I may now discover new things through the internet that can educate me. Now that I've managed to study things about photography, I now apply what I've learned. I often do food photography wherein food is my model. Since travelling is our families holiday activity, we also do food trips where we discover new foods from different places. With this activity, I may now share the experiences and the taste of different places through the different menu that they offer. It really is a memorable activity and experience that I'm proud of. With the help of technology and my imagination and skills, I'm able to take a 'shot of life' that every each one of us went through. Many foods that aren't still discovered that I, myself, needs and wanted to share to other. Blog about foods? Why not? To make the others feel nostalgic.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Loneliness, something I'm trying to avoid but still consumes me.
Trying to reach out to others but still fail to communicate with them.
Using technology to free myself from the burden, the hurt and the pain I feel inside.
I really hate the feeling of being alone.
I may have a handful of company but still, there is something which bothers me.
Why do I still feel loneliness?
Smiling as wide as the universe, laughing like there's no tomorrow and faking things to show the world that I'm fine and I can handle it.
Searching things on the internet which might help me from my condition.
Reading things but still can't put it to life.
Having this kind of feeling kills me inside and it is something I don't want others to experience.
I'd rather be invisible from the others to trap myself from my own little world.
I once talked to my choirmate about this. 

Her name is Krisha, someone I trust when it comes to my emotional state.
Every night, she'll call me through voice call or video call.
She always tell me things that I need to realize.
She's always there even if she knows that I hate the feeling of being in a company.
She'll always find a reason for me to be happy.
There are times wherein she can't call me due to different issues but she will make sure that she'll leave me a voice message or a mail.
She know what I feel because she also experience things I'm encountering.
We share the same story but different instances in life.
We both feel comfortable with each other especially when we're together.
It's like there's something in us that bond us together to overcome my condition.
Sadly, everything changed because of own reasons.
I'll still continue what we've started because she's one of the reason why I can control my mood sometimes.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The HAPPY PAST (Part 1)

Ex - Someone who loved me once but forgot to stay with me and decided to find someone new. I can still remember how we met each other. It's a funny story but it's the truth and also the reason why it lasted. It all started when My best friend asked me if I could help her with something and accepted it since she's a good friend of mine. She told me that there will be others who'll be there to help also and she said a name that intrigued me. She told me that Cha, a friend of her's, will be there to help me which after a while intrigued me more. After our class, we proceeded to the place where we'll work. I met her for the very first time and we discussed random stuffs even if we only met for the very first time. She is someone you'll want to be by your side for a very long time because of her unique attitude. After doing our work, we decided to have a little more chat then we left. I thought it was the first and last time that we'll see each other but we're wrong because Facebook was the reason why I was able to chat her and getting her number. She texted me for quite some times until I began to realize that I'm starting to fall in love to her. I hate it at first but after a while I realize that I do love her.

I talked to her personally if I could make up to her for everything she have done to me. After a few more months, she became my girlfriend. We do random things. We love taking selfies then laughing at our own pictures. We also love food and walking. Every time I see her, I always make sure that I'll take a picture or two just to remind me that I have someone like her in my life. I loved her so much that she's the reason why I excelled to my studies when we're still at high school. She always give me simple notes telling me that She'll love me forever and she won't leave me. She is someone I don't want to let go and want to have for eternity. She always comfort me every time I'm down and depressed with things I don't want to think of. She'll cook my food every time I'm alone at home since I don't have knowledge about cooking. She'll prepare my things I needed for school like my mom was doing when I was still a kid but everything changed..

Thursday, August 6, 2015


New media is a very great advantage for people of today. Love is an important value that every each one of us must value. Missing someone special is something one doesn't want to experience. Because of new media, reaching someone is not that hard. Internet access can be used for us to communicate with others. Sites wherein you can chat like Skype, Facebook, etc. can be the media for you to see each other. Now you can see each other, talk to each other, be with each other, etc. New media is a big help for those 'missing someone' problems. Having someone far from you is very challenging like what I'm experiencing now. Do you have someone far away from you? Do you miss him/her so much?My father is an Overseas Filipino Worker and this is where I'll relate how new media is so important nowadays.
    I'm already 17 years old but still, moments with my father is something I envy to those whose father is here in the Philippines to be with them. When I was still younger, I often ask mom why dad is far away from us. She'll always reply with a smile on her face and tell me that dad is just within the country even though she know that dad is traveling the world. I always cry because I'd always think that my dad hates us until I matured enough to realize things. My mom would often make me do a letter for dad. I will often write my message for him on a bond paper and design it with colors. my mom would write her message for dad in a love-letter-like paper.we'll be sending it to our mailman and he'll send it to the post office. Dad will be receiving the letter  few weeks before receiving another letter from us. That's our way of communicating with him for a very long time until we're familiarized with social networking sites. Every time dad come home, I'll be teaching him stuffs about computer.After that, he'll try to discover things until he can do it himself.
    When I reached high school, he was able to communicate with us through facebook easily that lessen his sickness. We were able to update all of the things happening to us easily. Now, we can eat with each other and sleep with each other. We're able to enjoy our bonding moments when we're traveling to other places by taking a picture or a video and sending it to him. New media is a big help for us and that is something I can assure. I can now tell him things happening to me every day faster than ever from the very beginning of my morning to the very last moment before I go to bed. His homesick issues are lessening because of new media. His communication problem is now solved even though he can only see us through our gadgets. He is now able to work and perform better. New media is so amazing that it can change something and someone depending on how you'd use it. It can now easily access to someone's life so it should be use correctly. New media, solution for peoples far communication.