Thursday, August 6, 2015


New media is a very great advantage for people of today. Love is an important value that every each one of us must value. Missing someone special is something one doesn't want to experience. Because of new media, reaching someone is not that hard. Internet access can be used for us to communicate with others. Sites wherein you can chat like Skype, Facebook, etc. can be the media for you to see each other. Now you can see each other, talk to each other, be with each other, etc. New media is a big help for those 'missing someone' problems. Having someone far from you is very challenging like what I'm experiencing now. Do you have someone far away from you? Do you miss him/her so much?My father is an Overseas Filipino Worker and this is where I'll relate how new media is so important nowadays.
    I'm already 17 years old but still, moments with my father is something I envy to those whose father is here in the Philippines to be with them. When I was still younger, I often ask mom why dad is far away from us. She'll always reply with a smile on her face and tell me that dad is just within the country even though she know that dad is traveling the world. I always cry because I'd always think that my dad hates us until I matured enough to realize things. My mom would often make me do a letter for dad. I will often write my message for him on a bond paper and design it with colors. my mom would write her message for dad in a love-letter-like paper.we'll be sending it to our mailman and he'll send it to the post office. Dad will be receiving the letter  few weeks before receiving another letter from us. That's our way of communicating with him for a very long time until we're familiarized with social networking sites. Every time dad come home, I'll be teaching him stuffs about computer.After that, he'll try to discover things until he can do it himself.
    When I reached high school, he was able to communicate with us through facebook easily that lessen his sickness. We were able to update all of the things happening to us easily. Now, we can eat with each other and sleep with each other. We're able to enjoy our bonding moments when we're traveling to other places by taking a picture or a video and sending it to him. New media is a big help for us and that is something I can assure. I can now tell him things happening to me every day faster than ever from the very beginning of my morning to the very last moment before I go to bed. His homesick issues are lessening because of new media. His communication problem is now solved even though he can only see us through our gadgets. He is now able to work and perform better. New media is so amazing that it can change something and someone depending on how you'd use it. It can now easily access to someone's life so it should be use correctly. New media, solution for peoples far communication.

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