Friday, August 21, 2015


Loneliness, something I'm trying to avoid but still consumes me.
Trying to reach out to others but still fail to communicate with them.
Using technology to free myself from the burden, the hurt and the pain I feel inside.
I really hate the feeling of being alone.
I may have a handful of company but still, there is something which bothers me.
Why do I still feel loneliness?
Smiling as wide as the universe, laughing like there's no tomorrow and faking things to show the world that I'm fine and I can handle it.
Searching things on the internet which might help me from my condition.
Reading things but still can't put it to life.
Having this kind of feeling kills me inside and it is something I don't want others to experience.
I'd rather be invisible from the others to trap myself from my own little world.
I once talked to my choirmate about this. 

Her name is Krisha, someone I trust when it comes to my emotional state.
Every night, she'll call me through voice call or video call.
She always tell me things that I need to realize.
She's always there even if she knows that I hate the feeling of being in a company.
She'll always find a reason for me to be happy.
There are times wherein she can't call me due to different issues but she will make sure that she'll leave me a voice message or a mail.
She know what I feel because she also experience things I'm encountering.
We share the same story but different instances in life.
We both feel comfortable with each other especially when we're together.
It's like there's something in us that bond us together to overcome my condition.
Sadly, everything changed because of own reasons.
I'll still continue what we've started because she's one of the reason why I can control my mood sometimes.

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